Monday, September 24, 2012

Autumn comes but once a year...enjoy!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV)
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven

I am so very thankful that we are made in the image of our great God. He had a great idea when He decided to create our world and our lives! You know how it is, when the wheels start turning in your head about a project around the house. Or how about when He stirs in your heart and gives you a glimpse of your special gifting or calling. You have excitement and anticipation of what it will progress into. You can hardly wait till your husband gets home to share the idea with him. Can we just for a moment stop and meditate on, He spoke the world into being, He made the night and the day, and He set the seasons in motion. Wow! This is where our creativity comes from, we are made to create and His amazing plans for us continue on throughout our lives even as the seasons continue to come and go.

I love that God made the world to have seasonal changes. This has been an excitement for me since I was a little child. You see, I grew up in Northern Florida and it was warm most of the year, but around October things would change ever so slightly. I loved the cooler mornings, the yellow mums and pumpkins sitting out on the porches.

I have been in fall mode for about two weeks now. I absolutely love experiencing this season for the first time since we moved to Texas. Living here is a little like Northern Florida as the temps are just slightly cooler, but I can see that people are loving it. I saw a man today at the post office wearing a sweater vest and I had to smile even though it’s going to be 90 degrees today. I can imagine him saying, “ I can wear this it’s fall!”

Nate and I just moved from Albuquerque. You can smell green chili roasting all over the city this time of year. It is the most amazing scent and one that I miss. I remember last year purchasing a bag of these delightful peppers, and after they roasted them for me they were put into my car. My Kia smelled like green chili for weeks! I loved it!

Today I will bake an acorn squash, along with sweet potatoes, apples with cinnamon and brown sugar. That’s the menu at our house today. You could say that this is our culture, but more than that it is an outward expression of God in me. I want to give Him credit for this beautiful season we call autumn. I am so thankful for change because it breaks the monotony of our lives. I believe God’s influence in our lives is ever changing also. He is at work always posing the question, “would you consider this?” Let’s take time to listen and see what He is saying in this season of our lives.

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