That was my prayer today, as I am in the process of learning how to depend completely and wholly on the LORD. He holds my world in his hands is a lyric from a song that has ministered to me the past few weeks. It is amazing to me how Holy Spirit uses one line from one song to prompt heart change in me. I gladly surrender to His Lordship. Jesus is everything I need!
So, I began pondering the cry of my heart, “all my fountains are in you.” I asked Holy Spirit to give me understanding of this statement. This is His response to me.
Everything that pertains to life is flowing from the spring of life, who is Jesus. All of your comings and goings, all of your desires, all of your writings, prayers, intercessions come from this well of living water. Jesus is your source of everything. As you have humbled yourself, submitting completely to his Lordship you are walking in the fountain more and more. There is an unceasing supply of living, clear water flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb. It is always available to you. It is when you make decisions on your own, stepping into things I have yet to ordain, then you have made for yourself your own cistern. You fill these vessels with your own waters of good deeds, decisions and plans. The word of God says they are broken cisterns, unable to hold what you have put into them.
Revelation 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
Can you imagine the purity of this water flowing from Jesus himself? Purity of heart comes to those who look to God; and infusion of the water of life. I know there are medicinal properties in these waters. There are trees that line this river with leaves for the healing of the nations. It is a nourishing flow straight from the Father’s heart available to all who will call on him; imagine being completely satisfied! I think of the Strength we gain by wading into this river. It begins in our feet and then into our calves and up to our thighs. I believe we can scale a mountain and take on an army!
Colossians 1:19
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him.
Colossians 2:9-10
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.
This is where we go to receive fountains of living water. We have access to Jesus who is filled to overflowing with everything we have need of. He has all the love, the forgiveness, the strength, the humility, the power. What is it you are lacking today? Jesus has the provision. I am beginning to see myself through the character of Jesus. I have only the strength he gives to me. I wake up in the morning breathing only because he has blown his breath into my lungs. I have desire to be the best companion to my husband only because of Jesus perfecting his love in me. He makes me a better person. I am solely dependent on him.
John 7:37-38
If a man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me as the Scriptures has said, steams of living water will flow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit
I remember how thirsty I was prior to coming into Christ in fullness. I was hungry for so many things, only to not be satisfied. We as humans have insatiable appetites if left unchecked by Holy Spirit. I longed to be loved and yet, I found myself yearning for more. This desire was never met in me until I came into the fullness of knowing Jesus! I wanted so badly to have a life that was good and productive, but was so dissatisfied with college, and being a waitress. I was living in Pensacola at the time; this was very close to the beaches. I walked off my college campus knowing I would not return. I drove to the beach and set out on the sand writing. I didn’t have a clue what I was supposed to do. I felt alone in my confusion. I knew what my parents wanted for me, but what was this desire stirring inside of me? I had a God hole that was gaping. I met my husband shortly after leaving college. He was filled with the Spirit and full of life! I felt as if I was breathing in fresh air when I was around him. He offered me living water that I had never experienced before. It was only when I was introduced to Jesus, that I was filled and no longer thirsty for the waters of the world. I certainly am not saying that college is evil; my husband has a degree and is in school right now. It was not the will of the Lord for me, even though I had access to a free education. So, the cistern that I had tried to fill was replaced with a beautiful river flowing through me. I am a channel of God’s blessings flowing out to the world. No longer do I house stagnant waters.
John 4:13-14
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
The water Jesus was speaking about to the Samaritan woman would give her eternal life. She knew of God by her statement to Jesus that she and her people were waiting for the Messiah; she did not have him living in her, infusing life into her. She was so thirsty for love, as she had been married many times and was presently living with a man. Jesus didn’t condemn her, he accepted and loved her. He revealed himself to her as the Messiah, he led her in the truth that quickly set her free and filled her to overflowing. We have eternity set in our hearts. His name is Jesus. He is offering to us an unfathomable gift of eternal life with Him. This includes great gifts right now. Complete wholeness in your spirit, soul and body. Peace that flows in and through us. He has given us a sweet relationship with himself, and he placed us in a beautiful body of believers that we call the family of God.
Jeremiah 2:13
My people have committed two sins; they have forsaken me the spring of living water and have dug their own cisterns that cannot hold water.
I was like the Samaritan woman many years ago. I did not know that I had access to the spring of living water. I believed in Jesus, but did not know he was my source of living water. I did not know he held the key to my future. I was seeking what to do in my life without allowing him to direct me. Oh, how things could have been different. Yet, I have no regrets. I embrace the hard times of my past, because it is partly who I am. I have better understanding of people in their search for life. Jesus makes all things beautiful in time; and he has made me beautiful in him. That day so many years ago when I was confused and searching, he was there silently directing me. I can imagine him saying to me, “Don’t give up Jan, I have an amazing plan for your life. It involves a handsome young man who will love you as I have loved my church.” Wow! I have no use for broken cisterns. I want Jesus in his fullness!
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