I am beginning an intercessory prayer time beginning on January 24, 2011. I would say a lot of prayer has gone into this decision. This is a culmination of many years seeking the Lord and praying what he tells me to. I have never stepped out to actually lead a prayer group, so in that sense it is new and quite malleable. I am not going into this with a set agenda or formula. I will say that my only agenda is to be led of Holy Spirit into prayer. He searches the deep things of God and reveals them to us his children.
Romans 8:26-27
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
We are in a great position in regards to prayer. We only need to train ourselves to wait quietly before the Lord. He gives the objective for that particular time. It could be our city, our Nation, or a people group. I have an anticipation of impacting and changing history. We will do this as we humble ourselves and pray according to the Father’s will! In 2011 there seems to be a prayer initiative going forth in the United States. I know in our city of Albuquerque there is a new thrust of seeking the Lord for our city and our churches. Our cry is the same, “Bring unity and love to the Body of Christ, and then it will spread into our city streets.” How will they know of the love of Jesus unless we love one another?
I John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!
Heavenly Father has a vast love for his humanity! He created us, we are his dear children; created in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’s image. He wants to pour out salvation. He has a plan of complete restoration of our spirit, soul, and body. The soul includes the mind, will and emotions. He created each one of us with a uniqueness; we have distinct personalities that become evident at birth and even in the womb. I know Father’s desire is to see us mature into sons and daughters of the King. He knows each of our destinies and it is his great pleasure to see us begin to walk in them.
So, can you imagine how he feels about people that have never known him? They are created in his image just like you and I, but have never stepped into their God given destinies. This must grieve his heart. There is much intercession coming forth from Heaven.
Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I, send me!”
This has been a favorite verse of mine for twenty years. Each time I read it or heard it read it has gone into the depths of my heart. It is a plea from our Father, “Who can I send?” “Who will go for us? The Father’s heart was crying out for someone to stand in the gap. In this context it was for Israel. We are his voice here on the earth. He needs us to show and speak his love and his plan for humanity. I also like the Father saying, “Who will go for us?” God has a father’s heart for his children. Jesus the Son is always interceding for us to know him. Holy Spirit is actively bringing the Kingdom of God into our midst. He abides in the born again believer prompting him to go into all the world and preach the good news of the Kingdom. Holy Spirit also empowers, and emboldens us to do the work of the Kingdom.
Ephesians 1:17
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Let’s ask God to give us greater vision, greater perspective for our city and state, our Nation and all other Nations as well. I want a global perspective of the Body of Christ and a global burden to pray. This I believe is the Kingdom of God inside of us praying, “Come in! Come in!” Our Father through the Holy Spirit wants to bring more and more wisdom and revelation if we would just take the time to quiet ourselves, listen and pray what we hear.
I want to close this article out with a word from the Lord on December 30, 2010
You will shake the mountains, (strongholds, principalities) and the atmosphere of your city will change. Step out and pray my will over your city, over your nation and over the nations. I re-route armies as my people pray. You were called for such a time; to bring my Kingdom to the earth. I will do great exploits through this group. My blessing is on this. Go in the confidence the Lord, and in the power of the Holy Ghost!
Cedars of God Intercessory Prayer
Monday evenings at 7 P.M.
- Humbling ourselves through repentance
- Worship
- Holy Communion
- Quieting ourselves and waiting
- Listening to Holy Spirit
- Praying His thoughts
- Obeying His directives
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