Allow Christ to break it down and rebuild it
Isaiah 61:4
They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
This past weekend I was dramatically healed of what I believe was an autoimmune disease. I was never medically diagnosed, but I had all the symptoms. I had chronic pain, and stiffness in my upper extremities. I was beginning to experience limited mobility in my shoulders and arms. I was taking an anti-inflammatory drug, and a muscle relaxer to just sleep through the night. I would consistently awake around four in the morning with pain. The drugs would help, but they were terribly upsetting to my stomach. So, I would take a small dose and then wait a couple of days before taking another. I would have a span of several days that were not good.
This is all in the past, as I have not had any pain or stiffness for several days!!
Psalm 16:6
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I was invited to a women’s encounter weekend at my church. It was amazing! I had time to soak in the LORD’s Presence. This brought so much life to me. There were several sessions that we could choose to sit in on. The one that made a huge impact on me was the one on generational curses being broken. I thought that I was completely healed emotionally. The LORD’s Presence has a beautiful way of gently bringing things buried to the surface. So, the Holy Spirit said to me “abandonment” I just heard that one word. I was reminded of a time and place in my childhood where I really felt abandoned. My small group leader was with me and I told her what I heard. She walked me through releasing and forgiving my family for falling short in my young life. I am not blaming my family. I love them dearly. None of us operate in perfect love. We fall short. The good news is I totally released them and love them. I am free!
The Scriptures for this blog entry are all from that class. The power of the word of God is so amazing that it totally delivered me from a chronic illness!! The day ended with my pastor praying over me and releasing the Father’s love for me. The lady that was leading the encounter weekend prayed over me also. It was interesting what the Holy Spirit showed her. She said that the enemy had an assignment against me and that it was broken. I believe that assignment came at a very early age and was intended to destroy me. The Father had a great plan and would not allow the enemy to have his way. I cannot put into words how much I love him.
As the teacher of that one class said to all of us:
Allow Christ to break it down and rebuild it.
Only the LORD can do this because He is our Creator. He made us and has witnessed our entire life from beginning in the womb till our present age. He has our past, our present and our future!
His mercies are new every morning! I love that the Lord touched and healed you. It is so like Him to be aware of us and our present needs. Isn't it just wonderful how His mercies never cease?! Praise the Lord! He is good and His lovingkindness is everlasting.
i really like this picture of you. very cute. :)
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