Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A word from the LORD in my quiet time on February 24, 2011

I am imparting more grace to you; Jan. Grace and peace are yours. Seasonal changes are coming. I will make provision for you in every way. Don’t fret or worry; I have more than enough to sustain you and Nate. Continue to seek me with all of your heart. You will find me and hear my heart. Jan, you won’t be care giving for the elderly any longer. This will be your last client. I have a new season for you. Doors will open to you and Nate. Watch for them to begin right away; this will include a season of fasting your evening meals. In doing this it will open up more kingdom mysteries to you, and will also defeat your insecurities and fear. Step into this and I promise to meet you. I will sustain you through this season.

So, a week went by and I received a phone call in regards to a very good care giving job. I didn’t turn it down right away; as I was battling this decision. I was thinking about all the medical bills that were pouring in from my husbands nine day hospital stay. I really need to do my part in caring for our family. There was much turmoil in my spirit and my soul during this time; as they were battling each other. An interview was set up and I had planned on going, somehow justifying my thoughts. Four hours prior to going I still had little peace and could no longer rationalize going. I knew I would be in disobedience. So, I called the client and backed out gracefully. Wow, immediately my peace and joy returned.

The Holy Sprit asked me a question during my quiet time.
Who do you see yourself as? Then He answered it Himself.
A caregiver
A person who cleans houses
A child care provider
These are all honorable professions, but no longer for you.
Then He spoke this to me.

I have your times in my hands. I will provide for you. I will open the right doors very soon. These things were all the things you were pondering as possibilities for employment. I don’t want you doing any of these. I have so much more confidence in you. I see your grand potential. You are a writer, a speaker; you carry the weightiness of my glory. My glory resonates from you and will touch many. Step into these things I have for you, Jan.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the LORD, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, inquire for, and require Me (as a vital necessity) and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

March 16, 2011
I awoke around 2:30 AM
Praying in the Spirit, and interceding for Japan. I heard Holy Spirit ask me this question.
Will you go?
My response without hesitation was, “Yes Lord, yes Lord.
Then He said, “Go feed my sheep; you and Nate will go as my ambassadors of love, the provision has already been made.”

Nate and I have always known we would do foreign missions. We have been yielded to Holy Spirit over the years; and were willing to go. We spent many years doing urban missions and other kingdom work. We knew it would be when our children were grown and out of the house. Our first trip was to Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2008. We were there for two months serving as mission builders with Youth With A Mission.

I can tell you that I know very little in regards to our plans. I would like a detailed agenda, but as of now we do not have one. We are seeking the Lord daily as to the next steps to take. We are waiting for the right connection. We are using wisdom as to going to Japan because of the radiation leaks. If this door opens to us and we have a yes from the Lord, then we will go. We are also looking into going to India. This appears to be a more likely trip for us; although we are only going where Holy Spirit leads us. We are excited about our future in missions. We desire to impart the things we have learned over the years. The things we are passionate for are; seeing God’s people whole, we love the Body of Christ. We would love the opportunity to share on repentance, forgiveness, intimacy with God, and emotional healing.

Our son Micah, is in the process of creating a web page for the ministry updates. The web address is PerfectLoveofGod.com. This page will also have a link to my cassia offerings and our Cedars of God intercessory page. We have spoken with our pastor and his wife in regards to our vision for missions. We will be under the umbrella of our church, Global Destiny. They are very supportive and have encouraged us to pursue this. So, in the near future we hope, we will be going on a short term mission trip. We think we will stay for one or two months and then return to Albuquerque, New Mexico where we are presently living. Again, we are not sure of the length of time until we are connected and partnering with a ministry.

We are also developing a young adult group in our church. We will begin meeting with them on a weekly basis starting in May. We hope to raise up a group of young adults passionate for Jesus and the Nations. Our desire is to lead teams of young people to do kingdom work wherever Holy Spirit leads us.

Jeremiah 33:3
Call to Me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

I began reading in Jeremiah 33 and ended up in Jeremiah 35, which is the story of the Recabites. It is an amazing story about the importance of Obedience! I will not take the time to type it in completion, but please go to Jeremiah 35 and read this amazing account of the Recabites.

Jeremiah was prompted by the Lord to invite the Recabite family to one of the side rooms of the house of the LORD. The LORD specifically said to give them wine to drink. So, Jeremiah did just that. He brought the whole family to the house of the LORD. He set bowls full of wine and cups before them. He then told them to drink the wine. But, they replied, “we do not drink wine, because our forefather Jonadab son of Recab gave us this command; neither you nor your descendants must ever drink wine. Also you must never build houses, sow seed or plant vineyards; you must never have any of these things, but must always live in tents. Then you will live a long time in the land where you are nomads. WE HAVE OBEYED EVERYTHING!

This was an example to the Israelites to do as the Recabites had done for many years, walk in obedience! Jeremiah made a distinction between the Israelites and the Recabites. One has walked in obedience since receiving the command, and the other Nation has rebelled against the God of Israel.

The LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel says: Listen! I am going to bring on Judah and on everyone living in Jerusalem every disaster I pronounced against them. I spoke to them, but they did not listen; I called to them but they did not answer. This is a very strong rebuke to Israel.

The LORD made a declaration to the Recabites that they would never fail to have a man to serve Him. God takes obedience very seriously!

There is a blessing on all who are obedient.

I will close this cassia with a word from the LORD regarding obedience.

As the Recabites were obedient to their forefathers command; you have been obedient to Me. I will bless your life with goodness, with honor and wealth. Your children and your children’s children will always serve Me the God of Abraham. It is their spiritual heritage. Great peace will be found in their homes; they will be delightful dwellings. So, when people ask you, “How is it that all your children serve the LORD?” Tell them, it is because of our obedience to God. Always remember the story of the Recabites.

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