Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quieting myself before the Lord:
Pray against a spirit of intimidation that has infiltrated my body, my church. This spirit is in the church to keep destinies from being birthed. There are many men and women who are amazingly gifted and you are not aware of it. You are missing out on their gifts that bring impartation to my body.

I would like to share an encounter I had recently. I was speaking with an acquaintance who is quickly becoming a dear friend. While praying at our intercessory prayer meeting she received a scripture that she felt was from the Lord. She didn’t share it because of a lack of confidence. Later that evening the same scripture was prayed over and declared by someone else. She felt like she had missed her opportunity to share. I searched my heart right away, because I never want to make anyone feel unqualified. At our intercession group we try to walk in humility, love and acceptance. I discerned a spirit of intimidation from the evil one.

I John 3:8B The Son of God appeared for this purpose to destroy the works of the devil.

Jesus defeated the evil one through the cross! He has come to bring us life more abundantly, and freedom!

If you are a child of God, born again through the shed blood of Jesus, you are given authority to come against the evil one!

You can stop the harassment now, by taking authority over those spirits that keep you from walking in your complete destiny.

I believe that when we are in a situation like my friend found herself in, we presume to think, this is not from the Lord, or my gifting is small and insignificant. Both of these are wrong thinking. I am not being critical of my friend. I am speaking experientially! I have been there recently and continue to stand against this erroneous thinking. To presume something is typically wrong because we filter our thoughts through our soul. We are not perfected yet, many of us are filtering our thoughts through rejection, insecurities, and wounds from our past.

Let’s look at the definition of presume.

Presume means to take for granted, assume, or suppose.

Do you see how dangerous this kind of thinking can be to us? The evil one does not want us to prosper in any way. He wants to destroy our destinies. At the very least he wants to make us feel inferior to our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a lie that your gifting is not important, or that it is a lesser gift. There is victory for the born again believer. We can stand against these wrong mind sets. I already said that we have authority as joint-heirs with Christ. We must take the initiative to rebuke, bind, and cast down evil imaginations as we are led by Holy Spirit. He will show you the way to rid yourselves of these tormenting spirits.

Now to the Body of Christ who are confident in their gifting. I commend you in Christ! We need a stronger measure of assurance. So be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might! I would add to this a spirit of humility, love and acceptance. This will bring a unity to the Body of Christ that will be an unstoppable force!

This is a word from the Lord I received today as I was interceding for the Body of Christ:

Yes, this spirit will be put to flight as you stand in unity! The unified church will defeat it! There is strength in numbers and even more strength, multiplied strength in a unified people.

Leviticus 26: 3, 6-13
If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out, then…. I shall also grant peace in the land, so that you may lie down with no one making you tremble. I shall also eliminate harmful beasts from the land, and no sword will pass through your land. But you will chase your enemies and they will fall before you by the sword; five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword. So, I will turn toward you and make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will confirm My covenant with you. You will eat the old supply and clear out the old because of the new. Moreover, I will make My dwelling among you and my soul will not reject you. I will also walk among you and you shall be my people. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be their slaves, and I broke the bars of your yoke and made you walk erect.

This scripture is incredibly informative! I love the word of God. It is as relevant for us in the twenty first century as it was for the children of Israel. God was giving a word to the children of Israel then and at the same time His present day Church. He commands a blessing over us if we walk in obedience to Him.

  • Peace in the land
  • Lack of fear
  • Peaceful sleep
  • Eliminating harmful beasts. The Hebrew translation for beast is age, alive, and appetite. Therefore we can say God will eliminate any living creature or thing that is harmful to us, God will eliminate our appetites for harmful things or fleshly lusts, God will eliminate any harmful thing of this present age that is coming against us.
  • No violence
  • Unity in coming against the evil one. There is strength in numbers and unity!
  • Strength to defeat the enemy of our souls.
  • Presumptions and poor mindsets are going. Destinies are being fulfilled!
  • We will run to the battle!
  • You will bear fruit and our numbers in the church will multiply.
  • God will confirm His covenant with his children through: the bearing of fruit, people coming to Christ, signs and wonders, workings of miracles, healings and deliverances.
  • We will leave the old wine skins behind. We are not satisfied with the way things used to be done. We are tired of religious formulas and regulations taught by man.
  • We will take hold of the new wine, being led only by the Spirit of God. Jesus only did what He saw His Father do. He was led completely through his prayer and fellowship with His Father. We must do the same!
  • We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. He made His dwelling among men.
  • He calls us His own. We are the children of God. He is our Father.
  • God brought us out of Egypt (a representation of sin and slavery).
  • He set us free, never again to be yoked with sin and bondage. Jesus’ yoke is easy and delightful.
  • We now walk upright! We walk in righteousness, as joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.

I want to reiterate a few things in closing. Jesus is calling His Body to a spirit of humility, love and acceptance! We are not to judge. We are about to witness the largest outpouring of Holy Spirit that we have ever seen. We must be ready to receive the world into our churches. They are going to come in like a flood, and they will not be clean and polished. We must gently lead, instruct, and allow Holy Spirit to do His work in them. He is more than able to do this.

Unity in the Body is a necessity if we want to see the power of God in our midst. We must honor one another above ourselves; clothing ourselves daily in a spirit of humility. Above all else Church, put on love! Love covers a multitude of sin. Love enables others to be themselves without fear of rejection. Love makes room for another’s gifting. My heart is passionate about releasing these; love, humility, acceptance and unity!

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