Sunday, November 15, 2009

On November 7th in my quiet time, I heard the Spirit of the LORD say to me:

I have gifts for you today!

· Gift of discernment stronger than you have ever had
· Gift of wisdom so that you will have specific insights into what people have need of
· Gift of love, the ability to love without conditions attached….a perfect love

Discernment comes by the Spirit of the LORD. It usually is a strong impression about someone, something or a geographical area that will not be shaken. It is not a fleeting thought or observation. Impression is defined as what stays in somebody’s mind. Impression is a lasting effect, opinion, or mental image of somebody of something. I think the key word in that definition is stays; it is not a random thought that is quickly forgotten. What comes next is a question, “Holy Spirit what is this”? “What do you want me to do with this information you have given to me”? I have learned recently that it can come through our five senses. I have known discernment through the Holy Spirit opening my eyes to see and opening my ears to hear, but it wasn’t until recently that I have had my sense of smell opened to discern the Presence of the LORD and the presence of an evil spirit.

Last year I experienced this in a very powerful way. I was having a quiet time with the LORD when I began to see a moving picture, a vision. I was fully awake and experiencing a very intimate time with Jesus. I saw him in His priestly robes of the purest white with a velveteen rope sashed around his waist. I then saw myself as a small child running to him. I ran right into him grabbing handfuls of this beautiful robe and pressing my little face into the fabric. It had such an amazing smell of incense. I said out loud in my living room, “It smells of cassia”! This I researched later was the oil Moses was instructed by God to use to anoint Aaron as High Priest. What a beautiful picture God gave to me of my High Priest!

This was a connection to the spirit realm that had I not been discerning could have alarmed me. The Spirit of the LORD gave me discernment during the beginning of this vision and I knew it was good, holy, and precious. Why was it given to me? To increase my faith mostly is why it was given. It also increased my desires and love for Jesus. There is always purpose in discerning something. The Holy Spirit’s job is to give me a strong impression in some way, our response is to say “what do you want me to do with this”?

Discernment is given always for us to pray. Hands down that is its main purpose.

Recently I experienced the other side of discerning an evil presence through my sense of smell.

I was in a public place checking out at the register and I began smelling a very foul odor. There was the lady at the register and myself. I knew it was not coming from me, and the lady did not appear to be sick or in distress. Never the less it was coming from her. I discerned an unclean spirit. There is a difference between familiar common odors and spirits that give off offensive odors. What was I to do with this information? Pray for her once I get to a private area such as my car, always asking Holy Spirit what was that? If you are bold enough which I confess I am not, you could quietly ask if you can pray for her. I personally think it wasn’t the time or the place for such as that. I will say that I am being trained in this by the Holy Spirit. I am certainly not comfortable or perfected in this gifting. I am a student and am learning how to use this gift properly.

Several months after that encounter I did have another one. I was in church and began smelling a similar offensive odor. It was extremely pungent so I put my face down into the fabric of my sleeve to breathe fresh air. I began asking God again, “What is this”. He immediately said an unclean spirit. I knew the smell was coming from someone behind me. I did not know the person, but had shaken hands with him prior to the service. Also, no one else seemed to smell it. My husband was sitting beside me and did not smell anything. That is definitely a sign that it is discernment of spirits. If it is a natural odor other people would smell it as well.

So, again I am learning what to do with this gift. I did not step out and pray for him. He did go to the altar during the invitation and was prayed for. I have continued to pray for him also. In the future when this happens I will ask more specifically whether I should approach and pray for them. This brings me to the next gift which is so tied to discernment and that is wisdom.

Wisdom is a gift of the Spirit available like discernment for those who seek after it. It is the very gift I seek after the most as of late. When I say that I mean I seek earnestly after Jesus, because He has become for me wisdom.

I Corinthians 1:30
It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.

I desire the gift of wisdom because I know it will be an instrument in my life to liberate many people from the bondage that they are in. I know if I had been walking in the fear of the LORD which is the beginning of wisdom I would not have bruised myself so in my pre Christian days.

Wisdom says:

I am pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you.

We are in such need of wisdom in the body of Christ! As we walk in a hostile world we need to be led by Wisdom’s cry. The voice of Wisdom brings us peace and clear guidance. A sure foothold is wisdom’s path. A peg fastened in a sure place is the fruit of wisdom.

Discernment mixed with wisdom is freedom! It’s all of the above! Discernment without wisdom is laying a wound wide open and then not knowing how to suture it. You must seek wisdom’s leading as you minister to the body of Christ. Jesus has become for me wisdom. Everything that I need is encompassed in Him. How do we receive this wisdom? Ask!

Love, love, love, there is nothing better! God is love. Simply and profoundly He is complete and perfect love. I have been a student of the word for about 29 years, and it has been my earnest prayer to be perfected in love. I have probably prayed that prayer more than I have prayed for my husband, which is saying a lot! One of my passions is to rescue the broken and show them the Father’s unconditional love! The only way that I can successfully do this is to be perfected wholly in love. When I didn’t know there was a kingdom of love, I sought after love from people who were as broken and deficient in love as me to no avail. I was trying to fill a place inside my soul that only God could ever satisfy. So, when I met a beautiful man of God and he shared the good news of the Kingdom with me I finally found the love I so needed! From that moment forward I sought God and His Kingdom with all my heart.

Luke 7:47
Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven- for she loved much, but he who has been forgiven little loves little.

Maybe that is why I have taken hold of Jesus with all my strength, because I have never experienced a love as pure and true as with him! The more we seek after Him the more we become like Him. I am taking on his nature of pure love. I have my Heavenly Father’s DNA. I think the thoughts of Jesus because I spend time listening to Him. He then shares what He hears from the Father with me.

I Corinthians 2:9-10
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him, but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

Having said all of that in regards to love, I want to tie it all together with the gift of discernment and wisdom.

It all flows so beautifully together!

We can not successfully bring Jesus to people without it being done completely in love. There cannot be any other motivating factors otherwise it will cause more hurt and pain to these precious people. When Holy Spirit gives discernment about a particular issue in a person it is for healing, deliverance, comfort, restoration, or exhortation. We then as ministers of this love need to ask Holy Spirit for complete wisdom on how to proceed in praying for this person. If I did this apart from doing it in love I am amiss, and will injure instead of bringing life.

Love covers over a multitude of sin, love also remembers no wrong, love lays its life down, love always protects, love always trusts, love always hopes, love perseveres, and love never fails!

So, go forth and bless the people of God with your gifts. They need a touch from Jesus, and you are His connection to them.

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