Sunday, October 7, 2012

Restless….. Rest in Me

Striving to make things happen through prayer, and nothing is changing. Then we talk, we talk some more and still we are no closer to a resolution!  I am so restless and discouraged. It is looking out at your future knowing God has an amazing plan and feeling like we are not able to attain it. This friend is the makings of hopelessness.  Have you guys been there in the past or maybe now there appears to be a mountain before you and your God given destiny?

Without rest—fall on Jesus
Don’t run or walk
Just fall into me
Fall—I will embrace you

I needed Jesus this way recently…

He is faithful when I have little to offer him in return. He knows my heart better than I know me. He allows me this vulnerability and offers me reassuring comfort. Many words were spoken but few that made sense to me. In times like these I tend to  filter everything through past and present hurts. I should just be quiet and let the storm pass, and take my own advice, pick your battles. Hope will return as surely as the sun rises in the morning. Although this morning in East Texas the sun never truly showed itself—it seem to be fitting for my frame of mind.

Deuteronomy 33:12 (NASB)
Of Benjamin he said,
May the beloved of the Lord
Dwell in security by Him,
Who shields him all the day, and
He dwells between His shoulders.

Our trip to church is a good thirty minutes and there is a fair amount of reflection going on typically. Nate and I are usually quiet, it’s the way we like our Sunday mornings, easy as the song from the past goes.  We had a new CD playing and a beautiful songstress was singing about resting in her beloved’s arms. The Holy Spirit was speaking tenderly to me through this song.  He was able to break through the cloud of distrust, and self-doubt long enough to impart some hope to my heart.

I love the above scripture and I return to it often for the picture it pens for me. Some of us have experienced the tenderness of a mother or father holding us close to their chest. There is much security in this posture. Trust, rest, and love are some of the good things Papa God wants to give us. He is always available—all we need to do is fall on him.

Our daughter and her husband are house parents for a local ministry for neglected children. They recently received six little ones. They are so vulnerable you can see it in their little dark eyes.  You can only imagine how afraid they must have been upon arriving at this strange new place. Nate and I went over on Friday to spend some time getting acquainted with them. Knowing somehow I was safe, two of the youngest boys separately over the course of hours, climbed into my lap and laid their heads against my chest. They snuggled close drinking in my warmth and security, after about five minutes they were on their way playing once again with the other children.

Tonight as we were there once again celebrating birthdays with two of them. One of the four year old boys ran and jumped into my husbands lap, wrapped his little arms around his neck and just laid there on his chest. Nate embraced him with a father’s love.


Can we relate to this behavior, to this need for retreat until we sense the security of the Father? I think we can say a resounding yes! I am reminded of a line from yet another song from the past—the warrior is a child by Twila Paris.

They don’t know that I go running home when I fall down
They don’t know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
Cause deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child

He is all we need—our sweet Father, Papa God. I fell into him yesterday, today and I know that I will many more times on this journey called life. My circumstances have not changed, but I am able to trust him with them tonight.