Saturday, October 29, 2011

I heard His voice as clearly as my own, saying; “I will walk you through this” Jesus knew the month of October would be a difficult one for me, so He spoke this to me at the beginning of the month before it all began. He was giving me a simple word of encouragement to hold on to. Believe me, I have held on to it through much physical suffering and weakness of body like I have never experienced before. So, I have been meditating as much as my brain would allow on suffering and why God allows it. He does allow it, that I am certain! He is altogether good, loving and wants the best for me, this I am also certain. Wow! They seem to contradict each other. How could God who loves me and wants the best for me allow me to suffer?

I know I have to tread lightly here, because many of us who are part of the Body of Christ would never say,” God caused or gave me this illness.” We would even choke on the words, “God has allowed this illness.” I know having been a cancer survivor of almost 8 years now; you have to be very careful how you testify about God “getting” me through that time.

I studied the Greek meaning of suffering in many of the New Testament passages we are so familiar with.

Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

II Corinthians 1:5
For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.

Philippians 3:10-11
That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings being conformed to His death in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead

I Peter 4:12-13
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.

These all are from the Greek word pathema meaning, something undergone for example a hardship or pain.
It really focuses on the passion of Christ.

Hebrews 12:2
Who for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

It also addresses the fellowship of sharing in these sufferings as the disciples of the New Testament often endured. They experienced many afflictions and persecutions for being associated with Christ and proclaiming Him as Lord. Many people throughout the world are enduring painful persecutions, hardships and afflictions for no other reason than because of being a Christian.

So, I have been mulling over all of these scriptures within their contexts. It seems to me we do not suffer the same kinds of persecutions as Jesus or his disciples did, nevertheless we suffer!
Can we make the jump here? I think we can, we do suffer persecutions, and afflictions to some degree here in America.

They are no less troubling and distressing and Jesus doesn’t minimize them in any way! He uses them! He allows these hardships and afflictions so that we will rely on Him and we are strengthened in the end. We will have much more compassion for our friends, family and acquaintances who are suffering.

Hebrews 12:11
All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

We are being trained by Jesus through various trials and testings and this is also to produce in us more of His nature. Yes, I want to be more like Jesus, but do I have to endure this suffering? Jesus, please deliver me from this weakness and suffering. He responds, “Be strengthened in me my child, for when you are weak my strength is being perfected in you.”

This is a word from Jesus that I received last night. I was listening to Mike Bickle and forerunner worship out of Missouri last evening and during the worship Jesus spoke so sweetly to me.

I am so near to you.

I am training you in patient endurance. I am equipping you for service in my Kingdom. Take courage, take heart! You are strong and I am teaching you how to patiently endure to the end. I am giving you joy, in the midst of the pain and weakness. Cultivate these, patience in suffering, endurance in the midst of the testing, and joy! Rejoice always, Joy always!

Matthew 10:22
And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.

This is such an amazing scripture in its Greek meaning.

To endure means to suffer, to be long suffering, to persevere, to abide, to stay under, to put up with.

To endure to the end is an interesting phrase. The end actually means the conclusion of an act or state, the sum total, the end the final purpose, a limit, a boundary.

Will be saved actually means to make whole, to preserve or deliver out of physical death, to heal, to restore to health, to be healed, to recover.

How many of you in the American church are suffering because of the Name of Jesus? Maybe a few, but many are suffering discouragement, just hanging on for a better day, living below the poverty line, struggling to put food on your table, stuck in a job you hate, working below your ability and having to submit to someone less qualified, working a job that is demoralizing because it pays better than the burger joint, suffering with fatigue and maladies of all sorts?

There are testing’s that come our way as believers and they have come to strengthen our reliance on Jesus. He is committed to help you through these difficult times. I believe we are to commit these situations whatever they may truly be to Jesus. He says,” There is an appointed time for this to cease.” There is a boundary, a limit to the testing. In the end the word says you will be saved. He will deliver you out of the situation, change the circumstances so they are more agreeable. He is able to make all grace abound to you in your testing.

You know we live in a fallen world with moral decay all around us, but we are here to be a light reflecting the glory of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:10-12
Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand firm against then schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

So, we live in a fallen world and have an enemy the devil who is out to steal, kill and destroy us. What is the good news here?

Jesus of course is the answer! He is more than able to defeat the enemy harassing you. He is able to strengthen you through the battle, to give you hope for you and your families future. He is your provider. He is your glory and the lifter of your head! He also has the ability at any given time to miraculously heal and deliver you instantly. I am not saying that we should not pray in faith believing for this. We always do this and continue to believe for our miracle or deliverance. In the times He chooses to wait, He has a purpose, an end result which is always motivated by a love that is so perfect and good!

A word to you from Jesus:
I am with you my child. I am very near to you. Can you feel me strengthening you? I am near, blowing my life into you. I will be for you exactly what you need. Grace to you my child, a strengthening grace is covering you, making provision for you. Don’t fret, I will provide all you need. Take time to rest and recover completely. It will be good in the end. Grace, grace is all you need right now. It will see you through to the end result. Take any worrisome thoughts captive in Jesus Name. Do not meditate on them. Release love and peace to those who have not quite understood what you are going through. Do not take up offense! I will see you through this time. I am forever with you, Jesus

You are loved and cherished by Jesus!