Good Morning! It is Sunday, August 28, 2011. Nate is at our Vineyard church and I am at home today; recovering from a road trip and a virus. I was quieting myself before the Lord and He spoke this to me.
Rest assured that you and Nate will be together a long time, till death parts you. I want you to rest in knowing that he loves you and prefers you to all others. Don’t struggle, rest, and rest. Find your place of complete peace and assurance in Me. Life is sweet for you and Nate. I have made it this way as a reward to you both. You both are so faithful, to the cause of the Kingdom and to each other. My blessings are on you, and you will serve with joy. My boundaries for you have fallen in pleasant places. Rejoice, rejoice, this is all very good!
Wow! This was completely unexpected and so sweet! I wasn’t praying about Nate and me although this has been on my heart for quite some time. Holy Spirit zeroed in on my vulnerability and spoke truth to it. The scripture reference for, “My boundaries for you have fallen in pleasant places” is found in Psalm 16.
Psalm 16:6
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
These boundary lines are representative of our lot in life. I know you have probably heard people say, “This is my lot in life” typically in a negative connotation. The believer, one who has put their trust in Jesus has a different “lot” in life!
These boundary lines, or our lot in life, have fallen in pleasant places. In the Hebrew lexicon it describes the word pleasant as being, delightful, sweet, lovely, and agreeable.
I had to smile when Holy Spirit spoke to me that, “life is sweet for you and Nate” I typically use the word sweet to describe something I like. So, it is not uncommon to hear Holy Spirit speak to me in my common language, but when I was doing the search in the Hebrew on pleasant places and saw the word sweet it made me so happy.
Life is amazingly sweet when you are sharing it with someone who loves and cares for you. Kingdom living is so much fun; it is filled with delights as you follow the paths the Lord has for you. I am not discounting “real life” if you have read my past Cassias you know that I have been brutally honest about life. It is difficult at times, but is always manageable with Jesus! He makes it delightful even when we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
So, let me tell you how this Kingdom living is coming forth in our lives. Recently, Nate and I have prayed and received clearer direction on what will be our next step in serving in missions. We know we are called to the nations of the world, to go and share our joy in Christ, to disciple and to love.
We are currently part of a Vineyard Church here in Albuquerque. We are helping this new church plant by leading worship. We are learning from our pastor how to build a church. He is a church planter and has successfully planted a vineyard church, which he and his wife pastored for ten years before coming to Albuquerque. We indeed have a lot to learn and it is a joy to be part of this new plant.
In January, Nate and I will be flying to The Netherlands to spend a month with our daughter Rebekah, Martijn her husband and Isa our granddaughter. Our purpose is two-fold as there is a Vineyard church in Amsterdam. We are very interested in helping with this church on a long term basis. We do not know whether this will eventually be an opportunity for Nate and I to church plant also in Amsterdam or in another part of Europe. We are going to scout things out in January, with the hope of returning later that year to live there. Nate and I are learning the Dutch language through internet studies, CDs and computer programs.
This is quite the adventure at our age … yet, Jesus! He says, “Go and help, go and be about building my Kingdom in Amsterdam.” We are so excited to be able to do this. The Dutch language is actually coming pretty easy to Nate and me, for which I know is God enabling us.
Psalm 2:8
Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Thy inheritance and the very ends of the earth as Thy possession.
I love this psalm. God is speaking through David about the coming Messiah, who before going to the cross for the redemption of the world was filled with joy in his heart because he knew many would receive this great salvation!
I also believe this is my spiritual inheritance, to see many come to know Jesus as their Lord! We asked God for the nations and He has responded by leading us to The Netherlands to be part of sharing our hope in Jesus and serving the Body of Christ there. This is His boundary lines falling for us in pleasant places. We do have a delightful inheritance.